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Want to learn more about BusRates?

Here’s Your Chance to Become a BusRates Guru! When it comes to improving your business or your companies’ profitability, BusRates had your best interests in mind. That’s why we created this year’s training series: The 2016 3-Part Training Course!

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SLAs, or making sure we honor the customer

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) help in so many ways to set the tone and help to define the relationships you have with your customers. That’s why BusRates uses one to help the vendors on the site manage potential customers expectations. Here is the definition and then how BusRates uses it.

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School Bus Safety Every Driver Should Know

As you get back into the swing of fall and the closing of the beaches, as drivers we need to make sure that all children get to school safely.

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Advantages of Motorcoach Travel

if you really want to SEE America, it can’t be done from 30,000 feet. You should be traveling by luxury motorcoach. Here are the top ten reasons why you should take a Motorcoach (aka, a charter bus) for your next trip.

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How many visits does BusRates.com get?

The lifeblood of any website business is traffic, BusRates gets a lot of traffic so make no mistake, BusRates is a very busy site. Learn more about our traffic data for BusRates and see why your charter bus operation should be listed!!

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Always Respond to quote requests, Always!

We’ve heard a variety of reasons why a company would not respond to a customer request and have compiled three main tips to ensure that not only does the visitor receive a response from their selected company so that you can securing the booking you’re looking for.

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How Big is the Motorcoach Industry?

It’s a vibrant industry and it’s growing! As a whole, the motorcoach industry is exceeding everyone’s expectations! It’s green, it’s involved in your daily life, and it’s becoming more and more fashionable to travel as a group! Check out our infographic to learn more about the growing charter bus industry.

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Are you ready to make $25?

Reserve your groups’ hotel with us and get $25! (EXPIRED)

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BusRates.com Creates Member Badges

The BusRates.com directory has created a set of badges for motorcoach operators to feature on their company websites. The badges promote “call to action” signals for charter customers.

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Replying to Reviews

Most online review sites, including BusRates.com, provide the opportunity for companies to reply directly to submitted reviews. A charming dialog between a happy customer and a travel supplier can help to encourage return business, but how should companies handle negative reviews?

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