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Rent a Party Bus Info and Guide

Whether the group’s itinerary calls for a pub crawl, sports game or concert, the real star of the evening becomes the ride itself. Example: the party bus rental. But what is a party bus, exactly?

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Responsive Design

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 30, 2015 CONTACT BusRates.com, Inc. Eric Elliott 703.838.2955 eric.elliott@busrates.com BUSRATES.COM, NOW BETTER THAN EVER   New Enhanced Web Experience Allows Users to Save Money, Save Time…Go Direct!  Alexandria, Virginia: BusRates.com has launched a new and enhanced website aimed at making group travel planning easier than ever. With improved access across a variety …

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Directory Educates About Motor Carrier Safety

Directory Educates About Motor Carrier Safety – Press Release

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Winter Activities in New England

While some may desire a Bing Crosby or Fred Astaire New England-type winter wonderland, others might desire a little adventure for braving the freezing temperatures. So as you ponder an out-of-the-box winter group trip, consider adding these options to your itinerary.

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Bus Rental on Reality TV Shows

Some trips have more drama than others (we’re thinking of you New Jersey), which can be a bonus for the viewer. Regardless, their ride is always perfect for the occasion. Here are just a few recent charter rentals that made their debut on reality tv.

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Best Steak and Bourbon Establishments Trip

For each year, a man’s trip must come. Fostering a bro-tastic weekend requires A) the perfect activity, and B) selecting the right wheels from charter operators listed on BusRates.com.

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Oktoberfest Celebrations in United States

Given that America is one big ol’ melting pot and that we love a reason to have beer and brats, BusRates.com is running down some of the top Oktoberfests and places known for its love of Bavaria that you can still catch this season.

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National Parks Re-Open during Government Shutdown

With national parks in many states essential to the livelihood of travel and tourist-friendly communities, states are now taking matters into their own hands to lessen hardship for its local economies by footing the bill and re-opening the parks. 

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Holiday Group Travel Planning

Believe it or not we are less than a hundred days out from Christmas. So, now is the time to finalize travel plans and group travel offerings in conjunction with Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year.

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How Has The U.S. Government Shutdown Affects Charters?

The shuttering of popular tourist destinations such as Yellowstone, the Smithsonian, and Gettysburg battlefield will negatively affect plans of charter operators and tour groups in varying degrees from minor speed bumps to complete road blocks.

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